the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings
life. And who is equal to such a task? ~ 2 Corinthians 2:16

one of us is equal to the task without the grace of Christ? We need divine grace
constantly with us to engage in such a task for the ministry of Christ. We look
at the apostles of old and note they too had the power and grace of Christ in their
lives which enabled them to speak the truth of the Gospel message. We must look
to God for aid as we speak out for Him. It is God alone which will sustain us
as we witness for Him. And we know that not all will listen and hear the good
news we bring to them. To one our preaching will be unacceptable and offensive.
By their rejecting they call death upon themselves. I overheard an interview conversation
with a legendary music artist and he was asked if he wanted to go to heaven. He
said, no, he preferred to go to hell, for that was where the fun was going to
be. He has long since died, and my thoughts immediately questioned if he came
back to life would he say the same thing now as he had said then? Would he not
now seek out God and look for life, not only here on earth, but in the
afterlife? Denying God brings death, that is the only recourse for self-condemnation
brought through denial. Those who embrace the message of Christ have a
different outcome, for they smell the fragrance of life! They will produce
life, for they will be saved from the outcome of the grave of sin. They will
find the peace and joy not only of heaven, but of this life in which we live
now. Hearing and paying attention to the message brings new life to all who receive.
We are called as Christ’s messengers to be faithful. Success is not in our
hands but in the power of the Holy Spirit. This Gospel will bring forth fruit
for those who hear.
Pastor Julia
image: Masaaki Komori
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