2 Corinthians 4:17

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all ~ 2 Corinthians 4:17

If any disciple of Jesus underwent trials and persecutions, the Apostle Paul is one we read much about in our Bible. From stoning, to shipwreck, to prison, to want, and more, Paul was persecuted for his faith in Christ. He of course was not alone, for all the followers of Jesus suffered, and to this day many still do. Being a follower of Jesus is not an easy road, and though we in the western world do not suffer as many in other parts of the world suffer, we do not escape it either. Suffering is part of being a disciple of Christ, whether we are shunned by our family for our belief, or whether we are beheaded by another faith group. Our suffering has a greater purpose though it is one we at first thought we would rather avoid. Most eternal things are things we “naturally” wish to avoid. Each person suffers individually. My suffering is not the same as your suffering, for I will respond in a different manner. That does not diminish your or my suffering, it is just that we relate to it from our different circumstances. But all our suffering, no matter where from, or to what extent, has similar result factors in each one of us. Paul says it achieves an eternal glory which outweighs them all. Our sufferings cause us to depend upon God rather than the world. We are, in effect, weaned from the world by our sufferings, which sets God in His rightful place in our heart. God purifies our heart in this way, bleeding out the ineffectual tendencies we may have, and causing us to look upward for our comfort and support. Our suffering soul needs this cleansing, though it may be painful. We cannot grow as disciples without leaning on God to carry us, for this is how our faith in Him grows. Though our suffering may seem, and may in actuality, last for our lifetime, it is fleeting Paul says, for our life is fleeting. It is for eternity that we look to see the results of the sufferings we undergo. Do I want to be in heaven with the Lord when I die, or do I want to be separated from Him forever is the question? Will I stand strong in my faith and belief in my God, or will I take the easy road and deny Him? I would but suffer here in this life if I forever would live in glory with Him.

Pastor Julia

image: Awan Sutano


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