Ephesians 5:25

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her ~ Ephesians 5:25


During this time of covid19 when many people are secluded in their homes, the rise of spousal abuse has come to the forefront in some news articles. This is a devastating place for any person to be whether the abuse is the husband, or the wife (not all abusers are the male of the household). Sometimes it is the children who are the abused, at the hand of parents they are meant to trust, not fear. Abuse is horrible, whether it is physical, verbal, or emotional. Not all signs are visible, but all abuse leaves its mark. Here, the apostle is addressing the head of the household, the male, the husband. In this verse he guards against any abuse the man may have on the part of his wife. He shows then that the husband in his conversations, his actions, his caring for his wife should be done with the same spirit in which Jesus Christ cared for his disciples and ultimately the church. Jesus is the model the husband is to imitate. Jesus’ love for his disciples and for the church is the strongest love there is. Therefore, a husband is in no danger of loving his wife too much aside from God of whom is always first and foremost. God gave His Son in death to redeem the church, He suffered on the way to the cross and on the cross for all people, denying himself. The command is for husbands to give the kind of love that would die for the beloved. A husband is to love his wife with the love Christ showed, not only in public, but in person and away from the view of others. It must be sincere, above his love for friends, parents, and neighbours, and equal to his love for self as is healthy and affirming. We recently passed by Father’s Day, a day when our Father’s are celebrated. I pray that all men would live up the calling God has placed upon them, to be men of valor, strength, love, and commitment to their wife.

Pastor Julia

image: Philip Goldsberry


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