John 15:13

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends ~ John 15:13


Our life is precious, and we cling to it, even in the face of disease and lost hope of recovery. We will still fight for every breath to enter our body, for this life is the most precious object we possess. Therefore, when one is willing to lay down their life for another, it shows the greatest of loves. Jesus uttered these words recorded and shows us how far our love for each other should extend. Jesus loved us and laid down His life for us. How in these days can we lay down our life for another? Jesus reconciled His enemies in this event, for Jesus died for those of all nations and peoples who previously were against Him, denying Him even, to save them for eternity. He died so that even as we cling to our life here, we who believe in Him know there is a life here-after. How we can follow this example is by walking in love, and where we can or how we can, we offer our life for another. We can no longer stand on the side-lines with this call. We are not mere observers, but we are doers, breaking down walls of intemperance, prejudice, injustice, and oppression with our voice of love, our voice of making change, our act of making our love for all people become a reality in this world.

Pastor Julia

image: Hannah Bushing


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