Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” ~ Joshua 1:9


I was just reading that more people are stressed, unhappy and feeling anxious in these days since a poll began taking its stats in 1972. This is in the USA, but I know here in Canada, many people are feeling stressed and isolated as well. Thankfully we are beginning to lift some restrictions, but many are still in place. It is easy in these strange days in which we are living to find oneself discouraged and fearful. I am reading that though more businesses are opening here in Canada, people are afraid to return to work and are refusing to do so due to the fear of Covid-19. There is much in this world to hold us back in fear of what the future holds for us as a country and more intimately, as individuals. This then is a good verse to heed in these times. The Lord commands here, as He does in verse 1:6 and again in 1:7. Three times, God commands to move forward, to not let fear paralyze the Israelite people. Fear does that to us too. It keeps us trapped in what “may be”, but not in what will necessarily be. The Israelite people faced the enemy of people living in a land the Israelites wanted to occupy because God had promised it to them, but this occupation would mean fighting, death, holding their position against those who might be stronger than they. Our enemy in these days is covid19, isolation, mounting stresses, anxiety, covid19 restraints which bring out other enemies of spousal abuse, depression, mental health issues, and violence. Our enemy now is both spiritual and physical; an enemy we fear. When we look fear in the face with the power of God and when we hold to His promise to be with us no matter where we go, we can take a step forward. Fear cannot be the victor when we have Christ in our life. To Him we look, to Him we cling, and to His promises we seek comfort and strength.

Pastor Julia

image: Oliver Cole


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