Malachi 3:10
the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test
me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the
floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room
enough to store it ~ Malachi 3:10
the whole tithe, the Lord says. What is a tithe? A tithe is 10% or a tenth of
your income. It represents a minimum, not a maximum of your giving. The New
Testament does not talk much about 10%. We are though, called to tithe and be
generous, especially since Jesus was so generous to us. In Malachi, God
validates the tithe. We cannot “out-give” God! We are invited to put Him to the
test in this! In Matthew 23:23 Jesus corrects the Pharisees for how they were
tithing and then redirects them toward generosity along with the tithe. This
goes along with Paul’s conclusion in the verses of 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 to not
give “reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Again here,
it is emphasized God will bless you abundantly when you give in such a manner.
Now, I want to ensure you are not thinking of this as “prosperity teaching” – give
so you can get. Prosperity teaches “God owes it back to you if you are generous.”
Wrong attitude. You give 10% because of all the Lord has done for you, you give
10% because you know God calls you to obedience and has asked it of you. You
give 10% because you are committed and faithful as a follower of God and Jesus
Christ. Our churches suffer because we do not follow this rule of God’s. How He
will bless you is at His discretion, but know that He will. Will you have a yacht
and a fancy house because you tithe? I don’t think so, but you will be blessed
in ways you cannot imagine. Your first tithe should go to your local church,
and donations above that are gifts. The church is the body God has set in place
to accomplish His mission for the community. If you deprive your church, you
deprive God of what He has given to you, for ALL you have has come from God.
Throw open the windows and floodgates of heaven, Lord, I give you back what is
Pastor Julia
image: Annie Spratt
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