3 John 1:11

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God ~ 3 John 1:11


We imitate those around us, though I think we often would tend not to realize to what extent. When there is a strong personality and a weaker personality put together, the weaker will most often follow along with the stronger. The influence then can be for much good, or it can be for what is evil. When we have a leader which is much admired, we look to them as their actions seems almost to be laws. What So-and-so says must be the truth, for look at their life, look at what they have accomplished…if I do the same, so it will be for me. Not necessarily right, my friends. Many a young person has fallen into the path of an evil person and have found themselves leading a life their mother would never have expected of them. John is appealing to his listeners to ensure who they imitate and what is imitated is that which is good, for if the model is good, they do it in the name of God. The enemy of our soul is evil, and he will put people in our path which will lead us astray if we are not wise. Peter states the enemy is like a lion, prowling around seeking whom he may devour. He is full of trickery and deceit. The word here is a word of wisdom, for the difference between right and wrong is eternal and irreconcilable. Those who do evil have not seen God and have no spiritual salvation in God’s sight. If they had God and Christ in their life, they would hate that which is evil. That is the sanctification the Holy Spirit brings into our life…we love what is good and of God and hate that which is not!

Pastor Julia

image: Caleb Gregory


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