Acts 18:9, 10

One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city” ~ Acts 18:9, 10


I wonder if Paul was intimidated by the rich and elite of Corinth? It is not an image of Paul that comes to my mind when I think of him. He always appeared bold and courageous as I read the chronicles of Acts and his epistles. It could not be so though, not if God would come to him in a vision to strengthen and encourage him. But then, yes, there are other writings where he does claim to be weak and fearful, such as 1 Corinthians 2:3, “And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.” So, if the great Apostle Paul could be fearful, I am encouraged that I am at times fearful too, in my times of weakness. God encourages him in the dark veil of night and assures him that he will not be harmed, though he may be attacked, and here, set about him are many people who would hear the word he spoke and receive the Lord Jesus. He would be successful is the encouragement the Lord is giving him. If you are afraid to speak out in Jesus’ name, here is encouragement for you too. God had a design on Paul’s life, and He has a design on your life too, and it stretches out in arms of love for the lost and for the salvation of those who do not know Christ as yet. You may be the only one that can reach them just because God has positioned you to be in their place and space of time. We should never be afraid to speak in Jesus’ name, telling of the love He has for all mankind, and the saving grace in which He welcomes all. We may not know the people God has positioned around us, just as Paul did not know in these verses. God states though, He has set people who would receive, support, encourage and uplift Paul in his ministry. Who has God placed around you? You may not know right now, but they are there if you are following God’s will for your life. Speak out, and wait for God’s Spirit to reveal them to you.

Pastor Julia

image: Clem Onojeguho


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