Daniel 6:26, 27
“I issue a decree that in
every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. “For
he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed,
his dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and
wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power
of the lions” ~ Daniel 6:26, 27
How wonderful will be the
day when this mandate is over the whole of the world – that every man, woman
and child must worship the God of Daniel! It will happen when the New Jerusalem
takes place, when Jesus returns and claims this world as His. We who believe in
Him long for that day! Ever more so our world is taking on every other god
there is, and they follow blindly. I was just reading an article about
Christian believers in China and how they are increasingly persecuted for
believing in Jesus Christ. We must keep them in prayer as they stand up for
Jesus and live in constant fear of the government and its power. We do not live
in a country such as that with communism, we do not live with such persecution
as Christ followers do in Islamic countries, no, but we do live in a very
secular society which downplays Christianity over spiritualism, as well as an
increasing derision of Christian beliefs and faith. Darius issued this decree
over all that were under his dominion, for he had learned that Daniel’s God was
powerful. It is interesting to note that this leader of the country, Darius, is
expressing views far beyond his pagan understanding. It is also interesting to
note that his views were learned from Daniel. One man can move another, so do
not ever think that your belief in Jesus Christ does not impact another. When we
are faithful followers of Jesus Christ, we have great opportunity to impact our
world. He rescues us still from the mouths of lions to display His power, which
is everlasting.
Pastor Julia
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