Ephesians 3:12

In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence ~ Ephesians 3:12


Oh, praise God! I can come directly to Him in times of praise and in times of need! I do not need to have another intercede for me before I can come before God’s throne of grace! Because of “him”, that is, because of Jesus Christ, I can speak boldly, with freedom of words, in prayer and confidence! In the Old Testament, the people had to come to a priest who would then offer sacrifices to bring healing, or mercy, or forgiveness to God’s people for the sins they had committed. The priest would come before God for the people when they needed guidance, or strength to fight a foe, or to enter a land. We, on the other side of the New Testament, do not need a priest for we come immediately before God in prayer through the faith of Jesus Christ! We also have to know that a part of this responsibility is ours, for if we come timidly before God, we are not coming with the power He has allotted to us, and we are dishonouring Him. He is a powerful, mighty, and an awesome God, and He will answer our prayer as is best for us and for His glory. Never mistake that aspect of God. He is not a giant answering machine at my beck and call! He is God supreme! I am small and insignificant, yet, I can come before Him with my words and ask! I need not fear or tremble in His presence. He is my heavenly Father, and before Him I will and can make my requests known!

Pastor Julia 

image: Nathan Dumalo


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