Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” ~ Isaiah 6:8

WANTED! Person needed for the Divine. They must be cheerful, willing, and obedient to the point of going wherever and whenever the Divine commands. They will report to the Divine Three-in-One. Are you that person? Answer with your heart.


Have you answered this call on your life? Have you said to the Great and Only God, “I am here! Use me!” Do you know that you have been divinely chosen to bring the message of Jesus to others? And in this, you have offered yourself for His service. It matters not if what God calls you to is big or small in your eyes, what matters is that He is calling you to act. The other day, I was talking to a lady and she’d had workers around her apartment building. She watched them in the overbearing hot sun, with heavy boots, hard hats, tools and equipment climbing up and down metal poles. She wondered what she could do and asked God that very question. His answer: she had some watermelon in her home and she should cut some and take it out to them! Simple gesture, but an immense ministry! How refreshing that must have been for them! You do not know what you will be called to undertake for the Lord, but this you can know, whatever it is, glory will come to you in the name of the Lord. You may not meet with agreeable people when you are sent by the Lord. Some people will resent your words, and others will ignore what you have to say. Being a Christ follower is not an easy road. But God calls for servants. He does not need us as servants for He could speak in ways that would make the proudest person shake; He can bring leaders down in an instant and subdue a nation. Why then does He wait for volunteers? He waits for your response because He knows that when we give ourselves in love and offering we will do whatever He calls us to with joy, with courage, faith, a grateful heart, and a prepared spirit and then we will step forward and accept His mission.

Pastor Julia 

image: Rusty Watson


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