Nahum 1:7

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him ~ Nahum 1:7


Faith brings us into a relationship with God, and with that comes his blessedness. To trust God means that we have placed our full confidence in him, that we have submitted to his laws and his ways, that we have received him fully in all that we are and have. The Lord is one we can trust in for he is good. In times of trouble he is our comforter. When we suffer calamities of life, and if we happen then to indulge in thoughts of whether God cares, or if God really is good, our hearts become alienated from God. We become impatient, we murmur and complain, we doubt. We may all have those feelings at one time or another, but to let them remain within us blocks our reception to the Holy Spirit. We learn from these times, hopefully, and our hearts learn to trust in the God of the good times and the bad. In our bad times, God reveals himself to us in a different way – as our stronghold, as the one we can flee toward for safety and comfort. In our days of trouble, we can trust that he is watching over us, no matter the storm which may be surrounding us. We can depend upon his grace in our bad times to carry us through them until we reach the other side. If you are in the midst of trouble today, be encouraged that whatever disasters we may have that seem overwhelming, God will look after those who love him. He will never forget you or abandon you.  

Pastor Julia

image: Zach Reiner


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