Psalm 119:45

I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts ~ Psalm 119:45


What an interesting verse to go along with yesterday. Yesterday we were released into freedom, today we are free and open, not necessarily because there are no restrictions upon us, but that we would feel we are free, and so we walk in it. We are delivered from all that binds us internally; from our wicked desires, our passions which are out of line with God’s word, from all those things which hold us back. We are free from the internal foe! How often to we battle our own self within! We hear this voice which speaks down to us, degrades us at times, or tempts us to do that which we would not desire to do, just as the Apostle Paul confessed. It is interesting, but freedom opens the doorway for other powers to work. If I am free in myself, I will not restrain you or your gifts, I will not try to control you, or overpower you, or hold you back because I am insecure. I will instead uphold you, encourage you, bless you. If I am free, I will release you to fulfill your freedom and your choices. When we are free in Christ, for that is the freedom we are talking about, we are free from bad choices, we are free from bondage to the world and its lures, we are free from bad memories, and oh, praise God, we are free from fear and terror. All this we have in the power of God’s Word, in the Good News of Jesus Christ and in His redeeming grace, power and love! It is our Spirit which is free, this is what we are talking about today, and that is even if and when our body may be restrained. Nothing can hold my spirit except for the God in which I believe, in which I hope! My spirit is in His hands! And He has made me free!

Pastor Julia

image: Joshua Earle


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