Psalm 1:6

For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction ~ Psalm 1:6


The Lord is watching over you…do you believe it? What a glorious thought to know God is keeping a lookout for where I am going and what I am going through. Am I perfect that I am deserving of His attention? No, I am not, but He loves me too much to leave me, and in turn He is my love, so I know I am His and am constantly in His care. Does this mean I will not go through hard times because the Lord is watching over my way? Again, the answer is no, for sometimes those difficulties in life bring me back from either places of sin where I wandered, or they lead my soul into greater faith as I depend upon my Lord to guide my steps. It is the same for you, for the Lord sent His Son to die for you and for me, and to then later send His Holy Spirit as our guide in the highs and the lows of life. The King James version of the Bible says the Lord “knoweth” the way of the righteous. The Lord fully understands our character, and as such, He knows our heart and whether we believe and follow Him or if we follow the way of the world. We cannot pretend to be what we are not, for “the LORD knoweth” us, through and through. We may be deceived by others, but God never is deceived by our falsehoods. We sometimes look at those who do not follow the Lord God and see they may have greater success in this world. This is so at times, but it is in the eternal where truth abounds, for then we will come into God’s glory. Those whom have ignored and hated the Lord God will find all their plans and hopes unfulfilled, and eternally separated from God.

Pastor Julia

image: Caleb Jones


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