Psalm 30:2

Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me ~ Psalm 30:2


In your times of distress and trouble, where do you turn? David knew the God who would deliver him, and save him from his trouble, and if you believe in Jesus as I do, you too know whom you can turn to when you need help. We are living in a world right now which is in desperate need of help and healing! From what I read, at this point there are more than sixteen million people infected by COVID-19 with more than 648,000 deaths! Not only that, but because of COVID-19, many people are unemployed and at least 265 million people are at risk of famine, as states the Dennison Forum. On top of that, people are losing their businesses; I expect they will also lose their homes due to the inability to make mortgage payments, and the devastating list goes on! I myself and healthy and know no one directly who has suffered in such ways, but more and more people are in the category of first-hand knowledge of such pain. Even so, my days sometimes are lost in the sameness of one day after another which is so abnormal to what life was, and so I too am one who calls out for help from the God who heals. We all need the Lord and His intervention! We all need healing from something! The only one whom can bring complete healing is the Lord Jesus Christ! Call out to Him, come before Him in praise for what He will do, for what He has done, and for what He is doing now in your life! The Lord hears our call, He hears our voices! Let us unite them for this world, and for the healing of all that needs His touch!

Pastor Julia

image: Aaron Blancor Tejedor


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