Habakkuk 3:3, 4

 God came from Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. His glory covered the heavens and his praise filled the earth. His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden ~ Habakkuk 3:3, 4


This is actually a prayer of confidence in the God who had rescued Israel in the past from Egypt, and would now rescue His people from Babylon. The prophet pictures Yahweh as rising over His people like the rising sun, appearing over Teman and Mount Paran as a symbol of strength. His splendor covers the heavens like a sun after it rises high in the sky. The prophet is praying God would hurry and deliver His people, for He had performed miracles in the past, and the prophet believes He would continue to show such providential regard for them again. Later in this chapter, Habakkuk again repeats the wonderful things God has done for them in the past, to encourage them in this time. God, he says, is king and commander of the thousands of Israel, leading them as a pillar of a cloud, granting them the promised land. The mountains and the land make way for Him, and the neighbouring nations tremble. The rays flashed from His hand as He lit up the whole world, yet hidden was His power, for His Majesty could not be visible to mankind. This same God is our God, and He still provides and cares for His people. Rays flashed from the hands of Jesus as He was nailed to the cross, for there His power was hidden. The cross is a stumbling block to those who would not believe, but Christ crucified was given all power in both heaven and earth. We have been rescued through the Cross of Christ, and in Him we find our shelter. He is the Light in our darkness! Glory is His forever and ever! Amen!

Pastor Julia


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