Isaiah 33:2

 Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress ~ Isaiah 33:2


The prophet is reminding the people where they are to go when they are surrounded by distress. It is a reminder to us as well. We may not be fighting the Assyrians, but is there not always some spiritual enemy at our doorstep? When we are confronted by the enemy, we too are to take ourselves to prayer. We too are to hope in the God whose strength will protect us. Some versions state it is the arm of the Lord which comes every morning, making note that the arm is the power of the Lord as He exerts His strength in defense of His people. It is to say that God would interpose in the enemies plans and put them to frustration. Ruin would fall upon the enemy because of God’s willingness to come between and save. In times of trouble, we have a lesson to learn from this prophet: to cry unto God and then to wait. All we need from God we receive: His grace, His strength, and His salvation. And, in our waiting, in our trial, our faith blossoms. God hears, God comes, God answers!

Pastor Julia


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