Isaiah 6:3

 And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” ~ Isaiah 6:3


Holiness is the very being of God. We are called to live holy lives, but we can only do so because God makes us holy. We think of the angels being holy, but they too were created by God to be holy. The holiness of God was not made or created; it was “eternally, originally and unchangeably” in Him. Holiness is a state of freedom: freedom from all imperfection including moral imperfection, it is the absence of evil, but it is also more than righteousness, goodness and purity. What it is, is all of these in their ideal completeness, which we cannot attain, but which is present in God. That the angels of God sing that the whole earth is full of His glory indicates they have always been familiar with the objects and events of this earth. They sang together when God laid the foundations of the earth, and they shouted for joy! They sang for joy when the Son of God was born in a stable, knowing the Saviour of the world had made His presence. All God’s laws are holy, His doctrines are holy, and His Word leads us to promote holiness in our heart and life. One day, our world will one day be more when Christ returns, for everywhere will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, the kingdoms of this world will become His kingdom, and then, the whole earth will declare His glory! Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty!

Pastor Julia


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