James 1:27

 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world ~ James 1:27


The term “religion” brings up many descriptions in people. For one it may mean that there is a mysterious spirit out there somewhere, and to another it may mean the customs and rituals connected with their church, and for another it may mean to separate oneself from the world as in a monastery as a nun or a monk. There are countless ways to define religion. It may mean mere doctrine, or opinion, but here we are told that religion has two faces – it is charity and it is purity. On the one hand it is mercy, kindness, generosity in how we deal with others, and on the other hand it is connected to how we live our life in all areas so there is no stain or shadow of dishonour. It is a life unspotted by the world, by its hardness, its false behaviour, its impurity. There is a beauty then in the word religion. It is a life which exemplifies our Christ as others look on to see our “religion.” When religion is held in this way, society looks upon her with high esteem, for always there is a place and a time for goodness. We too are less judgmental, for  the thought is that if we keep ourselves free from the pollution of the world, then we have to test ourself first. Is my faith, my religion one of ensuring the betterment of my fellow man or woman? Do I truly have a benevolent spirit? These are some of the questions I must ask myself. We cannot separate the two parts of religion, as they so often are. We cannot be humane but live a life defiled. We cannot live a life of purity but ignore our fellow human. They have to remain intact with the other. This is the way to please God. 

Pastor Julia                             


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