Luke 18:42, 43

Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God ~ Luke 18:42, 43


Today, we read another healing Jesus performed as He was walking with his disciples. I do not expect there were many days which went by when Jesus would not heal a person which had been deprived of some frailty of the human body or mind. Of all these, his disciples, and those that followed Jesus, were witnesses in appreciation. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to follow Jesus as these people did, but I can understand the joy they offered up as a result of what they had seen. God is good and compassionate to those who come to him for healing. This man’s healing was immediate, and his sight returned without limitation. Not all healing is immediate in today’s world, but I do believe Jesus still heals our mind and our body when we come and seek his touch. Healing takes many forms as well. I know of people who stay away from doctors and medicines, believing Jesus will heal the body and the medical world is merely a bystander for the faithless. I believe Jesus has set in place wisdom in the medical field, and in this day and age when so many disbelieve in the facts surrounding the spreading of covid19, I wonder at the human race and their lack of wisdom and understanding. More foolish are those who deny medical intervention. People are always watching those who proclaim Christ as Saviour. When we seek His touch, through the measures He has provided us, and when healing comes to our bodies, minds, and our spirits, praise is on our lips, and on those who surround us as witnesses. Jesus is the Great Healer, praise Him for all He has and will do!

Pastor Julia

image: freebibleimages


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