“Look, he is coming
with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and
all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen ~
Revelation 1:7

Many people say we
are in the last days, that Jesus will soon be returning. We may be, but we also
know we have been in the “last days” since the day Jesus rose up into the
heavens to sit at the right hand of God the Father. The “when” of His return is
not the issue though. For ultimately, He will one day return, and all will be
fulfilled that was written in the Scriptures. He will return in a way that He
will be visible to all peoples, and all will then know that what we have been
trying to witness to throughout the last two thousand plus centuries…that Jesus
is the Christ, the Messiah, the Redeemer of the world is true. He will be
visible in all His glory and no one will misinterpret the truth then. The Word
says that even those who pierced Him will see Him…does this mean just those who
hung Him on the tree at His actual death? The commentators say it includes all
who have sinned, for all sin pierces His hands and His feet. If you do not
believe in Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you have pierced His hands and feet,
and you have nailed Him to the cross. All will cry out in loud lament then, for
all will see what was done to the Son of God, and all our sins will come to our
remembrance! And the Great Judge of the earth will either stand as an advocate
or as an accuser. Nothing would fill the earth with greater concern as the
coming of the Son of God in the clouds! People will feel their guilt with
enormity, or, if they believe in Him, they will feel great joy and relief that
He has come. Which one will you be? If you doubt His return, or His coming at
all, fear and trembling will be your reward. If you believe in Him, know that
your benefactor will bestow favours upon you.Pastor Julia
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