1 Corinthians 9:19

Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible ~ 1 Corinthians 9:19

Paul, being an apostle, was in a high office of the church, and so therefore had no one superior to him. He is also a free man in the sense that many were slaves in his time, but he was not a servant to any. He is independent in soul and in nature, so he can preach the gospel freely wherever he went. Paul, we know, was also a tentmaker, so when he came to preach, no cost was laid at the feet of the church to cover his costs. Of course, he also states he has this right, for as he says, “If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest…?” But he has not chosen to claim this right. Instead, Paul has chosen to serve without hire. In this way, Paul has denied himself so that where he went in his journey of preaching could fully benefit from his teaching. Not many teachers do this in our day. An honorarium is expected at speaking engagements, sometimes at phenomenal rates. It makes me wonder where one is who might follow Paul’s footsteps. Paul did not want to burden his listeners with financial gain to preach the gospel. His whole aim was to teach as many as possible about the Gospel of Jesus Christ without adding burden to the listeners. Paul was more concerned about the salvation of others. When we make ourselves the servant of all, we follow Christ’s example. Greed in the labourers of Christ will not bring others into a salvation that is free of bondage; it will only bring the reward of earning a crown that will not last. Paul knows the desire of his heart is to not be disqualified of the eternal prize – that is, a crown of eternal value.

Pastor Julia


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