1 John 4:16

 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them ~ 1 John 4:16

When new Christians come to read the Bible, most often they are led to read the Gospel of John first. Why? Because John wrote and explained more clearly than the others the nature of Christ – love. Here he writes again and writes that we “know” the love God has for us. It is theological in that as we read John’s words we know love is a divine characteristic of God, for God’s loving nature is the most receptive; for the disciple whom Jesus loved was the one who loved Jesus. He understood Jesus perhaps the most of all the disciples. John goes on to state that those who live in love live in God. Love is such a common word in today’s language. I love ice cream, I love sweets, I love to go driving and travelling…what really is love when we use it so loosely? In scripture it has a different connotation, for “love” as a word was not used as we use it. John lived in a time of great tribulation for people. They lived with oppression from the Romans, they lived in a time when women were abused if they were widowed or single, in fact women were chattel, and that was all. We see on today’s news the dangers of violent protests, of abuse of human life, of political unrest, and it mirrors John’s time. Love was not a common characteristic of the people. Unless you were a Christian. Then love was noted in the Christian men and women who cared for each other with unselfish motives because of their love and fellowship with Jesus. For John, love and knowledge are the extensions of the faith by which new life in Christ operates in the human soul. Those in whom Christ lives dwell in His love, and His love ought to be displayed through all they do and say. The connection between love and faith is then an unbroken attribute for the Christ follower.

Pastor Julia


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