1 Peter 3:8

 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble ~ 1 Peter 3:8

We all suffer at times in our lives. Your suffering will be different from mine, but there is not one of us who will get through this life without some form of trouble coming upon us. The suffering may be in ways of sickness, it may be in ways of financial stress, and it may be in ways of physical oppression. There are as many ways to suffer as there are people in this world. Peter is calling us to be sympathetic to one another in our time of suffering, to bear with one another’s frailties, and be a blessing to those around us who may be suffering. He is also calling us to be like-minded, to live in harmony with one another. This does not mean that I may think every thought you think, or agree with every thought you think. Our differences of opinion can be productive, and often cause us to broaden our internal scope of those situations that brought us into conversation. We do not need to agree on everything, but we do need to always be conscious of the blessing of working together as different parts. We grow when we work together for a common good, and we bless others through that work, as well as be a blessing to our own self. Ultimately, we bless the Lord Jesus when we are like-minded, and give glory to Him who brought us into His family as brothers and sisters. He is our example of sympathy, like-mindedness, love, compassion and humility. Every step He took on this earth emulated all these characteristics.

Pastor Julia


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