Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours ~ Mark 11:24

God hears all our prayer, be they little, or be they of great magnitude. His ear is attentive to our hearts cry, to our voice of pleading, to our wordless utterings. I believe that our prayer “move the heavens” and begin a holy war against the principalities which fight against us in this world. To know that God listens sets us apart from many other religions, for other gods are either dead, a myth, or are made of material with no life in them. We as Christ followers, pray to a living God. This is the first thing then that we must know when we pray: our prayer are always heard. Our prayers also ought to be good. In other words, if our prayers are for selfish reasons, or for improper motives, God will not hear our prayers. When we pray for a million dollar home and all the bells and whistles to go along with it, our prayers will be left unfulfilled. If we pray for God to intervene in someone’s life in what ever way is best, God will move. Without our having a healthy soul of trust and love, we cannot pray. Third, if we pray against the will of God, we will not be blessed by an answer to that prayer. We are, by nature, willful beings, and obedience to God’s will shows our maturity as believers and as pray-ers. When we pray, it must always be done in accordance with the will of God, for God knows what is best for His children. When you pray then, pray with confidence, pray with a pure heart and good intentions, and pray for the will of God to be done. Do not pray with vague words lacking the backing of trust, but pray knowing you are speaking directly to the heavenly Father!

Pastor Julia


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