Philippians 1: 9, 10

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ ~ Philippians 1:9, 10

Would you and I like to know that this type of prayer was said for us each and every day! Would those who know each one of us like to know we were speaking this prayer on their behalf each and every day as well! It is a prayer for those we love, and for those whose peace and joy we seek. We desire our loved ones to find and be happy, and the best way of doing that is to go to God in supplication for them. Paul has specific blessings he prays for those he cares about: that they may abound more, that their knowledge and depth of insight would grow, that their discernment would be wise in what is good and beneficial. He did not pray for financial wealth, or for them to climb up the ladder of success in the world. He didn’t pray for the material, but the spiritual blessings! Often people think, oh if only I was rich, I would have all I need! Or they think, if I was successful people would respect me! But these desires are only transitory and once achieved will not bring inner peace or joy. Only by loving God and by loving others can we find peace in our heart. We cannot wish or pray a better thing than this for those we love. For them to abound in love would fill all their inner needs and requirements. For their knowledge and depth of insight to be enlarged is to ask for their hearts to seek that which is from above, to seek the divine claims of God and to share them. We will all stand before God one day. Paul prays for his friends to be pure and blameless on that day, and it is a worthy prayer. How easy it is to offend in our day and age. We all need to take care that we do love our neighbour as we should, and that if we stumble in our Christian walk in not loving, that we take care to repent so as not to cause someone else to stumble. May we all live in the grace of God loving as God loves, for the blood of Christ gave all for each one of us to be wrapped in His love forever.

Pastor Julia


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