2 Timothy 3:16, 17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work ~ 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

Every word and thought in our Bible was inspired by God. All scripture does not mean “some”, or that I can “pick and choose” what I want to live by, but that every single word, every single “dot” and every single crossed “t” was inspired by the God of the heavens. God used human hands to write those words, yes, but the words came not from a human mind, but from the mind of God into the hands of man who wrote in his own style. Each writer had God’s truths imparted to them, thoughts they would never have arrived at unaided by the Spirit of God. So it is that God’s word teaches the principles which lead us into a full and healthy life. God’s word guides us in our daily life, in how to make decisions of what is godly and good and what will lead us into despair. God’s word also rebukes us, for if we do not read and recognize our sinfulness, we are left separated from God through our sin. Repentance is the key to Christ’s redemption, which is the purpose of God’s word. We read, we learn, we repent, we receive the Saviour of our soul, and we are guided into heaven. Jesus himself believed in the word of God, for when He was tempted by Satan in the desert, He turned every temptation into the word which said that “It was written” therein. In John 10:34-36 Jesus remarked that the word or Scripture (meaning here the Old Testament) “cannot be set aside.” If Jesus could not set it aside, how can we? God’s word gives us the directions, as well as the strength to do every good work in His name. 

Pastor Julia


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