Ephesians 5:19, 20

…speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ~ Ephesians 5:19, 20

I miss the singing of the church family and the togetherness of worshipping the God who is our Redeemer and Saviour! Covid-19 has kept our church closed for the safety of the vulnerable ones who are a part of our family. Our worship and praise is held within our home, surrounded by our family, if we have a family still at home. Otherwise, we worship alone. Still, we find ways to reach out, to pass the peace of Christ with each other, to uplift and pray for each other. Music speaks to the soul, and it uplifts the heart, so singing by oneself is not as enjoyable as singing in a group, but praise God, we still can sing! And praise God, music is still a part of our worship service! Our world has changed for now, for sure, but we can and should look around and be thankful for the health of those we know, we can pray for those who are sick or grieving, we can encourage those who are in despair. We are a voice in another’s life in the moments of a day. How will we use our voice? Every day, no matter whether covid-19 is with us or not, we have the ability to sing, to praise, to encourage, to pray, to bring the healing balm of Jesus to another. I walk my dog several times a day, and in the summer, as we pass homes along the street, voices echo out into my hearing. There are many times I think I would not like to live in that home. How the family members are speaking to each other is destructive, hurtful, and vulgar. How much better it is to speak with love, with thankful hearts for our family! We are blessed to have our families, whether they are our natural family, or our church family. Let us always live with praise on our lips to the God who has given both to us and blessed us in so many ways!

Pastor Julia


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