Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Sometimes, when we follow the Lord’s will for our lives, it does not seem as though His plans were good plans for us. We may encounter what seem to be insurmountable problems, or we may feel that perhaps we made a mistake in following His leading, though we were sure that He was doing the leading. I have been there. But with time, I was always proved wrong, for eventually, I could see why God had led me somewhere, or why He had called me to do some thing. The purposes of God’s heart are always for our welfare, for our good. Here, the prophet is reminding the people they would be restored to their own land. No longer would they be exiled in a foreign country; they would return home. Thoughts of His heart “are to all generations”, and so what the Lord promises will not fall; they will be performed for He is faithful. His thoughts also do not lead us into evil, or warfare, or destruction, but His plans lead to the fullness of our life here on earth, and through Jesus Christ, the fullness of life in the hereafter. We do have a hope and a future when we follow the Lord God. Without Him we live a fateful life, a lost life, sometimes a tragic life. God’s plans for those who follow Him arrive at a desirable end, much as what they had wished and hoped to have. If you feel that your life is futile, perhaps you are then at the point where searching God for answers will bring you to the same conclusion I have made, and of which Jeremiah spoke. God has a plan for you, for your life! And His plan is the best, the richest, the most glorious plan for you. It will not free you from hardship, but it will purify you into a better you, a more whole you, a fulfilled and Godly you. Give Him a chance to show you the plans He has in mind…you will not be disappointed!

Pastor Julia


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