Proverbs 19:20, 21

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails ~ Proverbs 19:20, 21

Sometimes when we are young, we are slow learners. I know I was! I recall my grandmother’s advice given to me, and how I ignored it. A certain piece of her advice caused me heartache later on because I did not heed her words. It is very often that way with the young. It is their coming of age which seems to say inwardly, I know how to do it all, yet, their inexperience does not quite get it right for them. Such as what happened to me. I often try to give advice to my granddaughter’s, and my children too, though they are grown, but I know very often they will still do their own thing. I know now how important it is to listen to those who are wiser than I am, and I know now what I have learned through my experiences which give me wisdom. Those who do listen are saved many a hard lesson, but the fact is, most of us seem to rather learn the hard way. The advice which will make us truly wise is that of the spiritual realm gleaned through the reading of the Word of God. If we would take God’s Word as our daily lesson book, and if we heeded its messages, we would be wise, for if we have Him in our heart, we would have everything we need. The wisdom of God is granted freely to those who ask. James 1:5 assures us that if we ask for wisdom God will give it generously without finding fault. Proverbs 3:13-18 tells us wisdom is more profitable than silver or gold, more precious than rubies…that her ways are pleasant, her path is peace, and those who hold her fast will be blessed! We do not listen and instead wander about in a maze when we could walk in a straight path! Choose life, choose wisdom, choose to listen and obey the words spoken over you in grace! Then, live in the Lord’s purpose for you instead of muddling through life.

Pastor Julia


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