Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding ~ Proverbs 9:10
When a child is very young, they are generally taught what mommy and daddy will allow, and what they won’t allow. A child is taught “no”, for whatever they are doing could be a danger to themselves, or they are taught “yes”, which means mommy and daddy say that is ok. The child gradually learns what is acceptable behaviour, and what is not. The fear of the Lord is to have a knowledge of Him in what He is; that He is God, Creator, Father, and that He has a will for us to follow and obey Him. When we come to know Him thus, as a God who loves us, our eyes are opened to know what is acceptable to Him, just as a child. We seek then to follow His will and we also learn that there are rewards here on earth as well as eternal rewards for our obedience. We do not follow out of the fear of being afraid of Him, and yet there is a reverence to Him and the knowledge that those who choose not to follow will have to face His Majesty and Judgment one day, and in that we will be either justified in His presence, or removed from His presence. We can begin then to set the right value on things which are temporal and those things which are eternal. We listen to Jesus and His words, we emulate His love and grace, we repent and share the gospel message, we seek to follow His holy will, and we walk in the path of peace and safety. We do all this because the wisdom of God is imparted into our heart through the power of the Holy Spirit, which lives within us and guides us on our journey. Without God’s knowledge we live a lost life, unsure of where we are going or what we are doing to make an impact in this world. We live for the self and for the temporal things which will fade away. There are many good people in our world, however goodness alone will not bring us into the eternal state of being with our God and Father forever. Only by accepting Jesus as our Saviour can we be taught a wisdom and understanding beyond our carnal nature.
Pastor Julia
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