1 Peter 2:16

Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves ~ 1 Peter 2:16

It is in the fruit of our life which displays our true freedom. We have been freed of the chains which bind us to the world through the power of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice we are free to love as He loves. We are not free to hurt others, or to hide behind sin and say that we are free to do whatever we want because of Jesus. It is in our servitude to God and mankind where our freedom finds its true measure, for this is where the greatness of God is displayed for all to see. It is by serving God and asking to be taught to see as He sees, and it is in doing all we do for Him where our freedom is used for good. We are to give our best to Him and to others, in His name. There is no chore too small, or unimportant. If God calls us to do it, and we do it in His name, it becomes a great thing, it becomes a divine thing. The freedom we have in Christ frees us from human powers yet as Christ’s servants we are bound to obey as far as God commands us to obey. The Israelites believed they were free, but rebelled against the Roman government, to which God had subjected them because they had rebelled against God. And, we are free from the powers of Satan, praise God! He has no dominion over us, we are no longer his pawns, but we are God’s slaves, obeying and following His will.

Pastor Julia


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