1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light ~ 1 Peter 2:9

Many people look to those in leadership whether it is here in Canada where our Queen and royalty are seen as the “elect”, or a communist country and they look to their leader as the “elect”, or perhaps another free country where they have leaders they look up to as the “elect”. The plain fact is we all look up to someone or something and place it high on a pedestal. Perhaps it is not even the leader of a country, but a leader of a social group that makes one feel as though those who belong are part of an elect group. Our natural tendency as humans is to worship something or someone. We who believe in Jesus Christ as our Saviour are the elect of God. We are a peculiar people because we have been chosen by God, rather than the other way for those we choose to become our “elect”. Our God is the true God, not one which man has made “god” as some seem to think they are. Our God is God without our permission, without our vote, without our agreement. He is God Creator, Redeemer. And we are kingly heirs because of our belief in Christ. We are royalty. The darkness we have been called out of is spiritual evil and immorality; it is the darkness of unbelief and denial, it is the darkness of incompatibility with the God of the heavens and earth. We have been called out of that darkness into God’s wonderful light of divine grace. We are called out of our past condition of ignorance of God into the knowledge of the promises He offers freely to each one of us. The glory to which we are predestined and which is awaiting us is to be co-heirs with Christ as we are of the household of the King of kings. 

Pastor Julia 


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