1 Timothy 2:1, 2

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness ~ 1 Timothy 2:1, 2

I believe the Lord sets up and the Lord takes down those who are in leadership over us. Be they thought of as evil or as good, the Lord is in control of our destiny as a people and as nations. Not all our leaders acknowledge that our God is the one true God, that is still a day we await, but that day will one day come. Peace between neighbours, especially in some nations is non-existant and volatile. If there is anything which will bring division between people, it will be with the subjects of political viewpoints and of religion. Politics brings war and unrest if nations and people do not find ways to work with each other in just ways. Religion too, can alienate people and be more about the law then to state what Jesus has done in the believer’s life through transforming love. Until Jesus does return, we who are Christ followers are gifted with one charge: prayer warriors. We must pray for our leaders and for our neighbours. Prayers move the heavens, prayer defeats Satan, prayer gives strength from above, prayer changes lives, thoughts, people. Our leaders need our prayers. They need prayers for salvation, for wisdom, insight, patience, humility. Our neighbours need prayers too, for salvation, for God’s grace and mercy in their life, for the revelation of Jesus to be made real and visible in their life and world. Prayer is our most powerful weapon…let us, as Christ followers, use the power He has given to us to make our world a better place. It will never be perfect, not until Jesus returns, however, prayer is a duty we cannot afford to avoid.  

Pastor Julia


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