Matthew 2:4-6

When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written: “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” ~ Matthew 2:4-6

The King’s intention in learning where the Messiah was born was an evil intent. King Herod had made out he had wanted to worship this new king too, well, he had when he had been talking with the Magi, but his heart was not inclined to worship, but to kill. What is amazing about these couple of scripture verses is the opportunity missed by all of them. Magi had come from a far country, following a star, which was leading them to the Messiah. Gathered here are the leaders of this land, with the second clue – a little town of Bethlehem. A place where their lives too could have been turned upside right by following the Magi and worshipping the tiny babe in a manger. Instead, the chief priests and teachers of the law seem to just disappear back into the temple and blindly go their way. King Herod did go into action – to have all children under two years of age murdered! Not exactly a legacy worth mentioning for either group. How many today are told where to find the Messiah, yet they too go back into still blindly hiding in an old way of life which is full of rejecting the only One who brings salvation. Our world ever more rejects the God of Jesus Christ for other “spiritual pathways”. God is within some say, God is what I think of myself and how I treat myself. Or, others say there are many gods, many ways to heaven. But these are lies. There is only one way to God the Father, and that is through the little town of Bethlehem and a tiny baby born in a stall. Don’t miss the clues. He is right with you, waiting for you to spiritually come to Him.

Pastor Julia


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