Ephesians 6:12, 13

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand ~ Ephesians 6:12, 13

Whenever Jesus encountered a person with a demon inside them, he only had to speak once, and that person was healed completely. If, and when, the demon did speak, Jesus instructed it to keep quiet. Never did Jesus allow the evil spirit to name him. Why was this? In Jesus’ day, the one who did the naming had control over the other. Jesus is the one with authority over the spiritual realm, therefore, the demons had no authority to speak once Jesus removed it from them. They were rendered powerless. It is in Jesus’ name we have control over the demons of this world which inflict spiritual pain upon people. There are many demons today: racism, religious intolerance, violence, poverty, abortion, to just name a few. The spiritual realm is only as powerful as we let it be. This is why Paul advised his listeners to put on the full armor of God. We need the truth of Christ in our heart. Today’s truth is whatever that one makes it, it is subjective. God’s truth never changes. We need the righteousness of God in our heart, not the ways of the world and the unholy living which takes place therein. Our feet must walk with the intention of peace with all people. The peace of Christ in our heart maintains this peace toward all. And our faith must be strong, stable, with a sure foundation on the word of God so that when the attack from the enemy comes, we can state with a steady heart what we know and believe. And finally, our head must know the salvation of our heart to utter the words of Christ when the enemy comes our way. His word is like a two-edged sword, ready to cut through the untruth’s which surround us. Only then can we stand our ground against the foe of our heart. Jesus is our strength; the name of Jesus is above all!

Pastor Julia

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