John 4:24

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth” ~ John 4:24

God is spirit, and not a body with substance like we have. Most other gods that are worshipped are carved images, other than the Jewish God and the Islamic Allah. Whether we are talking gods of the ages such as Zeus, or Mohammad, or Buddah, they were all given a body image. The only body image our God has was in the time of incarnation when Jesus came to live as a man/God. Within that man shell was the Spirit of God, which cannot be said of the others. God is immortal, immaterial, invisible, and intelligent. He is a willing and active being in our lives. He differs from other gods in that he was not created, but is an eternal spirit, one without beginning or without end. And, due to his nature, and his perfections all must worship him. Whether we are in private or public, whether we are in our closet or in the church, we are called to worship and adore our God which is our light and our life. Our prayers, our praise, our adoration rise to him from within our spirit because our spirit has been set free in him. We no longer are a slave to sin, no longer are we set apart from him in relationship, no longer do we need to fear death and the afterlife. These are the truths of the Gospel message, the truths of and from the Spirit of God.

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay


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