John 8:31, 32

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ~ John 8:31, 32

The Jews who believed in Jesus were standing in amongst the Pharisees who were questioning Jesus, trying once more to trick him. As Jesus spoke to this crowd, he talked about his Father in heaven and that soon he would be with him. “Where I go, you cannot come,” said Jesus. Jesus continued speaking, saying that not only could they not come to where he was going, but that he had much in judgment of them. He is addressing the Pharisees at this point, but also to any to who do not believe in him. Some however, did believe, and to them he says these words, “You really are my disciples…and the truth will set you free.” Of course, they did not understand. Set us free? We are a free people. We have not been slaves of anyone they say. Jesus is not talking about physical oppression, but of spiritual oppression – sin. When they believed in Jesus their spirit would be set free from sin, they would see the truth in the Son of God standing before him, and they would know that what he claimed was the truth. It is not only the Jew who would come to believe in him and be set free, but soon it would be the whole Gentile world, in which you and I am a part. The freedom we have in Christ is the release of our sinful past, of our reborn mind and spirit, and of a new way of living in truth, and hope. Jesus spoke in this dialogue that he would be lifted up, and so he was. He died on the cross, saving us from the punishment we deserve, taking it on his sinless self. We believe in this Jesus, that he is the Son of God, and we are set free in him. Praise God for his son, Jesus Christ!

Pastor Julia

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