Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble ~ Psalms 46:1

These days are filled with a troubled world, full of anger and division, full of fear and mistrust. People who live in the world and are expecting it to meet their needs will always find that it lacks. Yet still the world does not come to the One God who can and will meet the needs of those who seek him. There is no other god such as our God, for he is alive, and we may go to him with any and every matter. He listens, he hears, he answers, and he moves for us. Jesus told us to seek him, to seek his righteousness and all these things will be given to you (Matthew 6:33). It does not matter what your need is, God wants and desires to grant it to you. We may pray for any need and God will listen and hear. It matters not what your troubles are: illness, family problems, financial issues, job issues, or if you find yourself in the midst of a change in life. God is there always ready to be our strength and refuge. Why does the world waste its time on other ways of seeking help? People waste time on astrology, or in a spirituality that that does not include the God of creation thinking they will tell them what to do with life, and which way to go in their quest for goals. But they are all empty and void of the answers so desperately needed. Only by coming to God the Father of Jesus Christ can we find our way, only by prayer with this God will we find the strength to carry on when troubles overwhelm us. Come into the light, come to the God who is our strong rock, our hiding place, our help in times of trouble.

Pastor Julia

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