Psalm 90:12

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom ~ Psalm 90:12

In these continuing days of COVID-19, I find my days tend to get mixed up. In fact, today is Saturday, but in my mind, it was Sunday. I was ahead in the number of my days this time, but I can also find myself behind in the number of my days. There are times when the days seem to blend into one another as the routine of staying in my home, and out of the retail and workplace world carry on in regular routine of their sameness. I wonder where the last year went, and how it went so quickly by when most of my time was spent with me alone. How we spend our days is vital to us all, especially in these times. I can easily waste a day in doing nothing of great importance, or I can spend a day making a difference in what I learn, and what I do with my time. It is up to me to decide, unless I turn my days over to God for his guidance, just as the psalmist prays. Teach us to number our days, he cries out. Help me to make each day count so that I may learn the wisdom of life, of their number, and that I would act as though I knew each day’s end. The prayer is that the author would live as a dying man might live. What might his soul, my soul, account for if it were to come to an end today, or tomorrow? The author continues in verse 13 to seek restoration of his soul to again receive the favor of God. He knows that if his soul is in sin, God’s favor is lost. We do not know today what will be required of our soul, so what the psalmist is really saying is that he wants to seek and know what will happen in the hereafter. It is something we all should consider, for there is a hereafter and there is a God we will all stand before one day. Our wisdom is therefore to seek Christ, his salvation, and to fear him, which is the beginning of wisdom. It is when we are convinced of our sinfulness, it is then we will come into an understanding of his righteousness and judgment, and only then we will be concerned about our hereafter. We may spend our days in foolishness or, find the wisdom of God through Jesus Christ and live each day for him.

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay


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