2 Thessalonians 1:3

We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing ~ 2 Thessalonians 1:3

Paul was an encourager to his little flocks. It mattered not where they had been planted, or how long he had been away from them, he continued to pray and encourage them to grow and be stronger in the ways of the Lord. Thanks to God for the ones in our lives is a great way to start the day. We have not only our loved ones who are tied to us by birth and familial relationship, but we have been given brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ. Our church family is exactly that – an extension of our close relationships with new brothers and sisters. And we together are the adopted sons and daughters of God. In this moment, thank God for those he has given to you, as encouragers, as supporters, as comforters, for together we are made strong in Him. Paul next compliments the faith they are growing into. We do not start our journey in the Christian life with unbounding faith. It grows, and blooms as we trust in God and listen to his voice. Faith grows best through the challenges we face in life. Faith, as Paul so wonderfully put it is believing in what we cannot see. We trust God to carry us through and he does, and our faith grows. We pray and seek him and he is found, and our faith grows. It is good to be a part of God’s family, where we can share with each other the love God has shown us. We are a redeemed people, a loved people, a growing people and a family of people. Praise God!

Pastor Julia

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