Deuteronomy 6:4, 5
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength ~ Deuteronomy 6:4, 5
This commandment Jesus spoke, adding that we are to love each other as we would love ourselves. We need to hear these words in this day. The world has left God behind in its living. We no longer pray to God in the schools, our children are no longer taught about God. Our government has been closing down more and more on biblical ideals and values in our world and in its laws. Nations are full of anger and hatred. Yet, still our God is a living God and sees all that is happening. He is distinguished from the dead idols by the word, “Living.”. He is the fountain of life, as he has all of life in himself. He is the true God distinguished from all fictitious gods. Our God is a faithful God. And no matter how the world tries to leave this God behind, He will not be. He is above all, and those who leave Him behind will find that He will make himself known to them. This world was created out of nothing by this God. His very word and breath brought it into being. John 1:3 tells us “through him all things were made, without him nothing was made that has been made in him…” We cannot look around our world and its universe without seeing the image of God and his creative being. In Mark 12:28, Jesus added the words, “with all your mind” to heart, soul, and strength. Jesus words indicate that the mind and the heart are connected. We act as we think, and we think as we feel. To worship God takes the heart, mind, soul, and strength. Set no other god above him, for he is the only God to worship. Love him with all that you are and give him all in complete surrender. Hear, O people. You are being called into worship.
Pastor Julia
image by pixabay
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