Monday, Second Week of Lent


The Honesty of Compassion

Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Luke 6:37

Compassion means to become close to the one who suffers. But we can come close to another only when we are willing to become vulnerable ourselves. A compassionate person says: “I am your brother; I am your sister; I am human, fragile, and mortal, just like you. I am not scandalized by your tears, nor afraid of your pain. I too have wept. I too have felt pain.” We can be with the other only when the other ceases to be “other” and becomes like us. This, perhaps, is the main reason that we sometimes find it easier to show pity than compassion. The suffering person calls us to become aware of our own suffering. How can I respond to someone’s loneliness unless I am in touch with my own experience of loneliness? How can I be close to handicapped people when I refuse to acknowledge my own handicaps? How can I be with poor when I am unwilling to confess my own poverty?

I must do some things to fulfill my duties. But isn’t it time I examined my routines and cut out the things I do just to stay busy? Lord, help me this Lent to begin to focus my attention of the important things.

Henri J. M. Nouwen


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