Tuesday, Third Week of Lent


Surprised By Joy

Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; according to your steadfast love remember me, for your goodness’ sake, O LORD! Psalm 25:7

As we grow old, we will have to stretch our arms, be guided and led to places we would rather not go. What was true for Peter will be true for us. There is suffering ahead of us, immense suffering, a suffering that will continue to tempt us to think that we have chosen the wrong road and that others were more shrewd than we were. But don’t be surprised by pain. Be surprised by joy, be surprised by the little flower that shows its beauty in the midst of a barren desert, and be surprised by the immense healing power that keeps bursting forth like springs of fresh water from the depths of our pain. And so, with an eye focused on the poor, a heart trusting that we will get what we need, and a spirit always surprised by joy, we will exercise true power and walk through this valley of darkness performing and witnessing miracles.

Where is your favourite place to be alone with God? Resolve to take advantage of it more often.

Henri J. M. Nouwen


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