2 Timothy 1:7

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. ~ 2 Timothy 1:7

I just read the quote, “there is a fine line between fear and faith.” The verse above uses the word “timid” in the NIV, whereas the KJV uses the word “fear”. Fear says, “my sickness will conquer me,” or “my finances won’t cover me.” Fear looks at God and says, “you aren’t enough.” Fear looks at this world and believes in its power, its anger, its hatred, its confusion, and tells me they have a strong hold over me, one that I cannot conquer. Faith, on the other hand, says “My God is my refuge and strength” (Ps 46:1); that the “fowls of the air neither sow nor reap, but that they are fed by God” (Matt 6:26); and it tells me that “with God nothing is impossible” (Luke 1:35). Faith and fear do not coexist with each other. I cannot live in both at the same moment. When I pray, I believe God will do what I ask him on the simple premisses that I have prayed and seen him act before. When I pray and ask for something that is godly to happen, I set my faith upon him that moves mountains. I do not worry or stress that he will not hear me. I do not even worry or stress that his answer may be different than my request, simply because I trust in him to whom I come. His will is always better than mine, his way is higher than my way, and his knowledge is broader than what I know. With the Spirit of God working in me, I have the boldness to press forward, trusting in him who loves and cares for me. I have the power, love and self-discipline to place my faith in God when the world is against me. It may be so, but God never is! My faith will remain strong in him who saved and transformed me from a timid, fearful being into one who stands tall and strong for him!

Pastor Julia

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