Jeremiah 31:25

I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” ~ Jeremiah 31:25


I have been reading through the book of Judges. The people would follow God as long as they had a leader, but would fall away when there was no one to guide them. In and out of devotion to God they went. Then, they would suddenly remember him, and would plead their cause before him. Ultimately, rescue would come, they would conquer their oppressor, and live once more in peace. Until the next time. For years they would fall in and out of love with their God. The greatest possession they lacked was the presence of the Holy Spirit within. We generally don’t follow other gods, falling away from our God, then pleading and coming back to worship him alone. We may and do go through dry places in our spiritual walk, but they rarely take us away from God, and in fact, more often, those dry places draw us closer to God in dependence. We have endings to those dry places, those desert lands, and find that God has brought us into a greater refreshment had we stayed the course we were on and not entered those lands. Seasons must change, for even the earth cannot remain in summer all year, or the earth will grow stagnant. God will refresh us, and satisfy our weak heart. I see this happening now, as we see the cases of covid slowing and growing smaller each week. More are vaccinated, and more becoming vaccinated, praise God! Soon our world will open completely, and though it will be a different world, we have great things to anticipate! How much more will we appreciate the normality of life after covid? How much more will we appreciate fellowship with one another? I know some are saying they won’t go back to church, to join with one another after the lockdowns end. How sad that they think this way! We have been isolated from each other for so long, let us not remain isolated from worshipping our God who renews and refreshes us after our desert walk!
Pastor Julia
image from pixabay


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