June 6, 2021

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work ~ 2 Corinthians 9:8

I have just come in from a walk on this beautiful morning, and I feel the blessings of God within me. I saw a little bunny rabbit in my neighbour's yard, munching away on some grasses. My dog, which has been very sick, is much better and doing well. My apartment stays cool where others need their air conditioning units running full time. I serve a good people in a wonderful church, and I have family that love me. Simple, small things you might say, but in all these God has met my needs with abundance. With God’s help, I am able to stand and not fall, I am able to produce and not grow weary, and with God’s help my work does do good for others. Do I always feel this way? No, I admit there are times when I am not at my best, but God is at his best in me during those times. If I remain faithful to him, he remains faithful to me, and the works of my hands do abound in goodness. I always thank him for his goodness in my life.

Pastor Julia


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