Psalm 8:3, 4

 When I consider your heavens,

    the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars,

    which you have set in place,

what is mankind that you are mindful of them,

    human beings that you care for them? ~ Psalm 8:3, 4

Most of my adult life has been lived in a city, which is a good thing when it comes to convenience. City lights block out the night sky brightness though. When I lived in Nova Scotia I was in mostly rural places, and the night sky was amazing! It was so beautiful to look up and see the stars. When I lived in the New Harbour area, it was as though I could literally reach out and touch the stars! They seemed so close in their radiance! When I think that God took the time to set them in place, and then I look down at my own reflection, I am again amazed. Amazed that he thinks of me, that he loves me, that he has a plan – for me! Not only for me, but for you too! He loves you and sees you! He knows all about you – what makes you happy, or sad, what inspires you or bores you. He knows what you love and who you love, and he knows how you show your love. There is nothing that is secret about you for God knows it all. Each person is significant to God. I hope today you feel your importance in God’s eyes, for he truly does love you!

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay


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