Proverbs 13:20

 Walk with the wise and become wise,

    for a companion of fools suffers harm ~ Proverbs 13:20

Wisdom comes at the cost of self. In other words, if I am proud and boast about it, I will not have the ears to hear wisdom, and wisdom will be lost. When one walks with a wise person, they are in conversation of listening and talking, of sharing and learning, of gaining goodness and losing what is wasteful. Our minds are opened to broader vision when we walk and talk with a wise person. Our own prejudices are challenged, our ways of thinking are given new insight, and the learning of another is our profit. Wisdom is learned at cost, at least usually, unless we do walk and learn from another. For their insight may have cost them a great deal, so if they pass it along and we hear it, we are saved much grief of learning through the hard lessons of life. A foolish person on the other hand does not hear wisdom for they lean toward a person who themselves do not listen nor heed from their experiences. They have gained nothing in the experiences of life to guide them into a better place, for they continue to ignore the signs that point them in the right direction. Therefore, any who associate with these people suffer from the same poor experiences of life. If we are to gain wisdom, our walk must first, be with the Lord, for he is wisdom. Second, our walk must be with those who also walk with the Lord, for from them too, we will be guided in the way to live life to the fullest, to live life the way God intended us to live. Choose your companions with the intent of being guided to gain life and not lose it. Wisdom is a precious jewel, and all your desires cannot equal it, long life is granted to you when you are wise, and its paths lead to peace (Proverbs 3:15-17).

Pastor Julia

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