1 Corintians 4:16

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day ~ 1 Corinthians 4:16

Inwardly, I do not feel older, yet I know that day by day, and year by year I do age. So, though I do not feel the time fly by, and it does, I know that the day will come when this body of mine will wear out. There will come the day when I join those who have gone before me into the Lord’s heavenly home. As Paul says though, we do not, I do not, lose hope. For our hope is found in Jesus Christ and his promise that through his conquering all that death may hold, its pain and sorrow, so I as his follower and disciple, will also conquer death. I will live with him forever and ever. There is also another change going on in me, for though my body begins to fade from youth, my heart becomes ever newer in the growing love of my Lord. I grow into more his likeness as he challenges me to leave behind my shortcomings, as he challenges me to move outside my own comfort zone into what he knows I can do for him. Believe me, I have been moved! When I began studying and knowing the Lord was leading me into ministry, I was going to be the silent worker at the back of the room. I had it all figured out, for one of my spiritual gifts is helping, so that made sense to me. The second year of seminary changed all that, when a mentor pastor told me I was being called to be a preacher. No way! But I sought the Lord, and he showed me that yes, that was what he was calling me toward. I have grown and changed inwardly so much since that day seventeen years ago! I pray my heart and soul are more like Jesus every day. I follow him with all I have within me. He is my Lord, my Saviour. My hope is always in him! This world holds nothing for me but his love each day. Tomorrow holds my eternity in him!

Pastor Julia

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